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Months (2016)

Months (2015)



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  1. add to the website (using Admin tips)
  2. gather better feedback
  3. focus on suggested feedback from potential users
    • link to Hibo so that he can generate postcards from his Instagram account
      • begs the question of interfacing with personal data sources
        • Instagram
        • Google calendar
        • Facebook for automated attribution (right delegation?)
    • HR that can generate postcards personalized for employees specific occasion e.g. birthday
  4. make any month from 2015 usable via a web interface, i.e. generate
    • postcard of the current location using web browser geolocation data
    • music mix of the current location using web browser geolocation data
    • haiku poem of the closest special calendar date
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Page last modified on January 04, 2016, at 08:34 AM